University of California, Berkeley | Plant & Microbial Biology
Resources and Links
Google Doc - Lab Line Info | Lab Line Info - Sign-in Required |
Google Doc - Primers & Sequencing | Primer and Sequencing Orders - Sign-in Required |
Google Doc - T-DNA Line Info | T-DNA Lines - Sign-in Required |
Google Doc - Bacterial Stocks | Bacterial and Yeast Stocks - Sign-in Required |
Google Doc - Lab Meetings and Journal Club | Schedule for Lab Meetings and Papers for Journal Club - Sign-in Required |
Google Doc - Tomato | Tomato - Sign-in Required |
Google Doc - Arabidopsis | Arabidopsis - Sign-in Required |
Google doc - General lab info | General lab info - Sign-in Required |
Google doc - Interviews | Interview Project - Sign-in Required |
Google doc - Mapping | Mapping info - Sign-in Required |
Google Doc - Work Orders | Work Orders - Sign-in Required |
Google Doc - Imaging | Imaging - Sign-in Required |
Colony PCR | Protocol for colony PCR - Sign-in Required |
PCR for cloning | Protocol for PCR for cloning - Sign-in Required |
Alkaline lysis | Protocol for alkaline lysis of bacterial cells - Sign-in Required |
PCR for sequencing | Protocol for PCR for sequencing - Sign-in Required |
Restriction enzyme cloning | Protocol for cloning with restriction enzymes - Sign-in Required |
Confirmation of effector production from Pseudomonas | Protocol for collection of secreted proteins from Pseudomonas - Sign-in Required |
Bacterial growth assays | Protocol for bacterial growth assays - Sign-In Required |
Sample prep and Western blotting | Protocol for Sample prep and Western blotting - Sign-in Required |
His-tagged protein purification | Protocol for purification of His-tagged proteins - Sign-In Required |
Basta selection for transgenic seed | Protocol for transforming plants, and selection and characterization of transgenic seed - Sign-in Required |
Agroinfiltration | Protocol for Agroinfiltration of N. benthamiana - Sign-in Required |
VIGS | Protocol for carrying out VIGS - Sign-in required |
Co-immunoprecipitation | Co-immunoprecipitation and PIC protocol - Sign-in Required |
Microscopy in N. benthamiana | Protocol for microscopy in N. benthamiana - Sign-in Required |
Microscopy in N. benthamiana video | Video to support protocol for microscopy in N. benthamiana - Sign-in Required |
ASPB | The American Society of Plant Biologists professional society |
BAR | The Bio-Analytic Resource is a visual tool for functional genomic analyses |
ExPASy | Bioinformatics resource with links to many analysis programs |
GradPro | Professional development resources for UC Berkeley graduate students. |
iSct | Primer design for insertional mutants in the SIGnAL database |
PPI | The Pseudomonas syringae genome resource site |
SIGnAL | The Salk Institute maintains a database of insertional lines in Arabidopsis |
TAIR | The Arabidopsis Information Resource database has great information on the Arabidopsis genome and lots of resources. |
TGRC | The Tomato Genetics Resource Center has a large collection of domesticated and wild accessions of tomato |
Visiting Scholar and Postdoc Association | UC Berkeley resources for postdocs and visiting scholars |